left to make sure as many people as possible cast their votes for change.
But you’d be surprised at how many of your friends and family don’t know where to vote — or that they can vote as early as today in Wisconsin, a crucial battleground state. Take a minute to look up your own early vote location on our voting website, VoteForChange.com, then please forward this email to your friends, family, and neighbors so they can look up theirs, too.
On VoteForChange.com you can find where to vote and get crucial early voting information. Voting early is easy, convenient, and lets you avoid possible long lines on Election Day.
And if you vote early, you know you’ll be free on Election Day to volunteer in our historic get out the vote effort. This race is too close for you — or anyone you know — not to vote.
Can you forward this email to at least five friends, family members, or coworkers and tell them to look up their early vote location?
Supporters like you can transform this country, and I’m counting on your help to make sure every Obama supporter in Wisconsin knows they don’t have to wait another day to cast their votes for change.
Thank you for your help,
Jon Jon Carson