A country without Pella, Vergina, Aiani, Philippi, Dion, Amphipolis, Thessaloniki, Mt. Olympus, Apostle Paul’s footprints, etc can not be Macedonia. CLAIMS TO A MACEDONIA OUTSDE OF GREECE ARE MERELY FICTITIOUS AND EXTREMELY DELUSIONAL. Over 370 Well-Known Scholars of Graeco-Roman Antiquity from around the world attest that the true Macedonia is in today’s Greece where it has always been.
Macedonia – The Ashmolean Museum’s Testimony 2011 (2/2)
MACEDONIA IS GREECE AND NOT F.Y.R.O.M.! (0:30) Thank you very much, the Ashmolean Museum and Mr. Robin Lane Fox from the Great Britain’s respected Oxford University!
Skopje is the capital city of the Former Yugoslav Republic of “Macedonia” (F.Y.R.O.M.) I did not make this video and I do not own it. The copyright belongs to the creator of this video, the Ashmolean Museum, which deserves all my gratitude.