Πέμπτη, 2 Μαΐου, 2024
ΑρχικήΟμογενειακάThe Macedonian League...

The Macedonian League condemns anti-Hellenic cartoon and the formation of Albanian neo-Nazi organizations in Canada, USA and abroad

The Macedonian League condemns anti-Hellenic cartoon and the formation of Albanian neo-Nazi organizations in Canada, USA and abroad

The Macedonian League condemns a fascist cartoon, released by the newly-established Albanian neo-Nazi party “Lëvizja për Shqipëri të Bashkuar (LSHB)“- English translation: The Movement for a United Albania. The cartoon, which was promoted by the party’s leaderSince founding the neo-Nazi party in July of 2016, Tahir Veliu, the leader of the LSHB, has been actively promoting anti-Hellenism and destabilization of the Balkans. Veliu is openly encouraging and recruiting young Albanians within Greece, the Balkans and around the world to form affiliated political organizations, whilst demanding that all Albanians participate in raising funds to purchase military equipment and weapons for the party’s armed militia wing. The armed militia wing is being created for the purposes of fulfilling the LSHB’s ultimate aim – the creation of a “United Albania” encompassing not only sovereign Greek territory, but also territories from Montenegro, Serbia and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

Furthermore, Tahir Veliu has published a book detailing the neo-Nazi party’s platform, which calls upon Albanians to rise up and peacefully demand the creation of “United Albania.” With an armed militia, certain death awaits Greeks and Balkan nationals who stand in the way of Veliu’s dream. The book is currently on sale via Amazon, eBay and other international online marketplaces.Although banned in Greece and Serbia, it is disappointing that the leader of Albania’s neo-Nazi party was allowed to enter the United States on January 28, 2017, without being questioned by US authorities. Veliu was so ecstatic that he cleared US customs for his trip to New York (in order to form an organization in the city), that he posted a picture on Facebook of the Homeland Security stamp in his passport for all to see with a taunting message directed to Greece: “A special greeting for Greece fascist. With love from United States of America.

While in New York, Tahir Veliu met and posed for pictures with local leaders of the Albanian community and unfurled a flag of the paramilitary organization UCK (known as KLA in English) – a known terrorist group. All images are available on the press release directly on our website.

According to the party’s official website and social media channels, there are operational groups active in Canada and the United States.

At this time there is no further indication of operational groups in western Europe, Australia or elsewhere. The party claims however, to have operational groups within Greece and throughout the Balkans, that are ready to wage battle on Veliu’s behalf.

In Canada two Albanian neo-Nazi organizations are operational and are located in the provinces of Ontario and Alberta:

> Ontario, Canada: LSHB – Pejë (located in the city of Mississauga, Ontario);
> Alberta, Canada: at the time of publishing an online presence for this group was not found, however the party’s main web page depicts an image with a Canadian phone number. This number leads to a telephone number in Grande Prairie, Alberta.In the United States one Albanian neo-Nazi organization is currently operational in the state of New York:

> New York, USA: LSHB – New York

This racist, anti-Hellenic behavior, which clearly promotes Nazism in the modern era, is not conducive to Greece’s national security, nor does it serve as a force for political stability in the Balkans. We call upon people around the world who witness this racist behavior in their community, to immediately report it to their local intelligence and law-enforcement authorities.

About the Macedonian League
We are an international professional Hellenic advocacy group. Our primary purpose is to advance our interests to informed and responsive governments on issues concerning Greece’s national security and territorial integrity. The Macedonian League’s main focus is on the “Macedonian name dispute”, as this dispute is a serious national security issue that threatens the territorial integrity of Greece. The Macedonian League also focuses on exposing and combating anti-Hellenism and analyzing political developments in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

For more information, follow us on:

Department of Communications


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