Lemmings are Arctic rodents of poor eyesight, which can drown en masse. Basil Venitis notes that citizens behave like lemmings when they masochistically vote for kleptocrats. American lemmings vote for Republicans or Democrats. British lemmings vote for Whigs.
Greek lemmings vote for Neodemokleptocrats or Pasokleptocrats.
Eurolemmings are those who rely on the spinmill of Brussels bromides.
Are you a lemming? Are you a victim of taxation and kleptocracy?
It’s time for soulsearching and vision examination. You need venitism now! Citizens who want the government out of their wallets, their bedrooms, their businesses, and their lives must vote for venitists. Only venitists try to minimize government and maximize individual liberty. Basil Venitis says it’s not a shame to lose an election, but it’s a shame to compromise your European values in order to win an election.
Obsession with European polls is a sign of weak soul. Whigs are willing to say anything and promise everything in order to win an election. Of course, after the election most promises are conveniently forgotten. Venitis points out kleptocrats promote phobias and bogeys in order to take the attention of voters away from taxation and kleptocracy, and to have a fantastic opportunity to present themselves as Moses who leads the people to salvation! Rabblerousers make a living out of convincing people that the sky is falling.
The essence of statesmanship in a venitist society is just the opposite, helping people understand the facts and proposing real solutions to real problems. You have to know when to stop doing something. Hitler did not know. Mousolini did not know.
Eurokleptocrats do not know when to stop looting the producers and fooling all citizens. They do not understand that the parasites and the host die together.
I, David Cameron, descendant of King William IV, leader of Tories, won all three debates. Although the worldwide popularity of debates is particularly evident at this moment in time, it has taken many decades for the tradition to take root around the globe. Even in countries with established histories of campaign debates, the institution remains fragile, wholly dependent on the willingness of candidates to confront their opponents in a live, unscripted setting.
As history has shown, this can be a dangerous game for its star players, because debates are more easily lost than won.
America’s Kennedy-Nixon debates in 1960 moved debates to the tiptop event on television. Political observers were surprised when Richard Nixon accepted John Kennedy’s challenge to a series of four joint TV appearances.
Although Nixon considered himself the superior communicator, it was Kennedy who approached the debates more seriously, preparing for the events with long hours of study and intense practice sessions with aides. Kennedy even made sure he had a good tan before the first debate, so that he would not look pale on camera.
In the end, John F. Kennedy prevailed as the clear winner, proving the power of live debates. So frightening was this lesson that another 16 years would pass before the American debate tradition resumed with Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter. Venitis notes the political parties split voters into two groups, those who are for them and those who are against.
There is also a very large group of undecided voters. You can try and win over these guys, but it’s difficult to win citizens who are pissed off with kleptocrats. Consultants and opinion pollsters have taken all the spontaneity out of politics. In a deliberately vicious and ruthless campaign a lot of voters turn away in disgust.
The abstention might damage bully’s opponent more than the bully. The bully could make the race so obnoxious that he could merely discourage people from voting. Bully’s deliberately dirty campaign might turn off voters who may vote against him. The scales will tip toward the party that manages to motivate its supporters to come out and vote for it. The ability of a politician to rally his people decides the election outcome, not his or her ability to woo the supporters of the competition.
It works the other way round too. If you manage to keep more of your opponent’s voters at home than your own, you take the lead. You could describe this as success through a demobilization of voters.
It is not a particularly appetizing procedure but, if it works, it can secure an election win. Venitis points out public support for democracy is a sensitive resource. If you convince people that they can follow an election on TV without ever having to take part, it will be difficult to win them back. Kleptocrats claim the people are well represented in parliament. But this is an illusion, because those who never vote are not included.
The real number of citizens who feel represented in government grows smaller all the time, and this is the main byproduct of kleptocracy. We have fought a strong and energetic, a positive campaign making the big arguments about the future of this country. The big argument about the future of our economy; here we are in a high end manufacturing business desperate for a Government that wants to help business, wants to get behind business, wants to get our economy growing.
And we’re the ones who say cut the wasteful spending this year so we don’t put up the National Insurance and the jobs tax next year. That jobs tax would be an economy killer, a recovery killer a jobs killer. We’ve been wining the big argument on the economy and I believe we’ve been winning the big argument about how we build a stronger society in our country.
Yes we need change, and change isn’t just the Government passing laws and issuing regulations and spending money, change is when we recognise we’re all in this together and we’ll only change our country for the better when we involve everyone. We say to the great social enterprises and charities help us to tackle drug abuse.
We say to the private training companies come in and train those people who need to work who could work and yes when we say to those who could work who are offered a job and don’t work you cannot go on claiming benefits in Britain under the Conservatives.
That’s the message that we should be taking. But you know what? In the end this election isn’t about individual politicians it isn’t about even individual policies it’s about what you’re fighting for and we’re not really fighting Gordon Brown or Nick Clegg. what we are fighting is disadvantage, is poverty, is unfairness, is the fact that opportunity is blocked in our country.
We’re fighting the fact that people who do the right thing, who work hard, who save, who play by the rules get hit by the system rather than hurt by the system. We in this election are fighting for people, we are fighting for the children growing up in homes where nobody works.
We’re fighting for the couple that want to buy a home but can’t afford it. We want to help them. We’re fighting for the parents who want to find a good school for their child and are so frustrated the system won’t deliver it. We’re fighting for the businesses desperate to get their head above water to start making money and start employing people again.
We are fighting for the doctor, for the nurse for the teacher covered in red tape who’ve got a great, great vocation and they want to do the job that they love. That’s who we’re fighting for, that’s who we’ve got to win it for. And we are fighting for the pensioners who are worried to walk the streets, for the people who don’t want to have to sell their homes to pay for care, who’ve done the right thing all their lives and want a Government that backs them.
That’s what we’re fighting for. We’re fighting for all of those people, people who are crying out for change after thirteen years of a Government that has wrecked so much of our country. Thirteen years of a Government that sold the gold, that wrecked the pension system, that complicated the tax system, that condemned people to a life on benefits, that doubled the national debt, that gave us record youth unemployment, that boasts that it knows how to run an economy but has brought our economy to its knees.
So as you go out in these last few hours remember who we’re fighting for; all those people who’ve been let down by Labour, all those people who want a Government that just believes in some simple principles. The principle of aspiration: that you should be able to make whatever you can of your talents in this country.
The principle of responsibility; that we’re all in this together and we’ll never have a stronger society unless we live up to our own responsibilities. And the principle of giving people power and control over their lives; people in our country are fed up with being bossed and bullied and interfered with by such a top down Government, we say give people more power and control over their lives and they will respond by helping us to build a stronger society.
That is what we are fighting for.