Πέμπτη, 2 Μαΐου, 2024


In September 2019, rehearsals began for the Pancyprian Association of America Theatrical Division’s production of Oedipus Rex. This Greek Tragedy, written by Sophocles in 429 B.C., continues to shock and astound audiences centuries with its debut of violence, intimacy, and larger-than-life characters.

Oedipus Rex, directing by award-winning director Leonidas Loizides, will premiere on February 22nd at the Off-Broadway. This grand production has gotten the attention of important figures, such as Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and President of Cyprus Nico Anastasiades, and have written supportive letters of appreciation and praise.

Leonidas Loizides director, alongside assistant director Dimitris Behrakis, has prepared a 60-minute play of Oedipus Rex in the English Language, yet true to Ancient Greek Tradition, to be presented on stage (on available dates starting March 2020).This play will feature professional actors from all around the world that will bring this timeless tragedy to life.Total performance cost is $4000, yet we offer it at $2250 for the first five venues that will book our production.

Our goal is to create high quality productions at affordable prices to spread our passion for Ancient Greek Ideals.As a team, we believe that the wider American public deserves the chance to have a closer look and let themselves be emotionally moved by the universal Hellenic values that this type of Theatre, or to be more exact, the return to the roots of theatre, has to offer.

Starting in the 6th century B.C., Ancient Greek Theatre taught us to connect with one another, that we are imperfect beings with flaws that could change our fate, and to question accepted truths, beliefs, laws, and traditions. We are happy to continue to spread these universal themes on stage to today’s audience, nearly 2,500 years later.

We hope you consider having our performance at your venue to help keep the light of ancient Greek Theatre alive.

Be up-to-date with our production by following our Facebook and Instagram: @oedipusrex2020

For available dates, please contact Dimitris Behrakis at: behrakismusic@yahoo.com

Phone 646-286- 4750

Oedipus: De Angelo M. Kearns- Harlem Playwrights 21 Festival, The Last Hour (off- Broadway), Rock and Roll Refugee (off Broadway musical, Royal Family production)

Jocasta: Stephanie Brooke Taylor- Romeo and Juliet (Nurse), Uncle Vanya (Nurse), The Cherry Orchard (Governess)

Creon: J.B. Alexander- Helen of Troy (Menelaus), Doctor Faustus (Pope Adrian VI), Hamlet (Claudius), The Merchant of Venice (Shylock/Antonio)

Shepherd: Margo Goldstein- 12 Angry Women, Diary of Anne Frank (Margot Frank), Tartuffe (Marianne)

Corinthian Messenger: Andres Martinez-
Romeo and Juliet (Romeo), The Glass Menagerie (Tom)

Tiresias: Sean Flores – Fiddler on the Roof( The Rabbi), Fotos (Jesus), The Sandstorm (Abu al Quasim)

Messenger: Ioannis Pazianas-
Antigone (Creon), Bacchae (Dionysus), Coriolanus (Caius Martins)

Priest of Zeus: Dan Straus- Twelfth Night (Fabian), Hamlet (Horatio) Antigone (Chorus)

CHORUS: Dan Straus, Charlotte Herzog, Athanasia Kalaitzidis, Beatriz Couceiro, Rina Maejima, Gizem Kaplan, Mille Hansen, Scarlett Wynne, Manon Lee, Ryan Schaefer

For available dates, please contact Dimitris Behrakis at: behrakismusic@yahoo.com
Phone 646-286- 4750


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