Παρασκευή, 3 Μαΐου, 2024
ΑρχικήΟμογενειακάOppose the unconditional...

Oppose the unconditional grant of US Navy Frigates to Turkey

Είμαστε αντίθετοι με αυτό το ψήφισμα   6649 στη Βουλή Επιτροπής Εξωτερικών Υποθέσεων.. Πιστεύουμε ότι είναι ανεύθυνο για τις ΗΠΑ για να κάνει μια τέτοια μεταφορά επιδότησης, εκτός εάν η Τουρκία κάνει πρώτα συγκεκριμένα βήματα για να δείξει καλή πίστη για την απόσυρση των στρατευμάτων της από Κύπρος και σταματήσει να χρησιμοποιεί στρατιωτικές δυνάμεις για να “εκφοβίσει” τους γείτονές της.

On December 11, 2012 House Resolution 6649 was introduced and referred to the House Foreign Affairs committee. It’s dubbed the Naval Vessel Transfer Act of 2012 and, among other provisions, calls for the transfer by grant (gift) of two guided missile frigates from the US Navy to the government of Turkey. The Frigates are the USS Halyburton and the USS Thach.

The unconditional grant of these two military frigates to Turkey should trouble U.S. citizens for the following reasons:

· Turkey has used its military forces to increase tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean by intimidating Cyprus, Israel and American-owned Noble Energy as they explore for LNG deposits in the Eastern Mediterranean.

· It is still stationing troops in occupied Cyprus and occupying the northern part of the sovereign Republic of Cyprus, using American-made military equipment against numerous UN resolutions and several calls for withdrawal of its troops and ending of the occupation.

· It is using vessels to frequently violate the internationally recognized territorial waters of Greece & Cyprus, who are both US allies in the region.


US lawmakers might be inclined to “donate” the two vessels to Turkey because HR 6649 mandates that these ships be repaired in a US shipyard at the expense of the government of Turkey and because of the hot situation in Syria. But as responsible US citizens however, we should be concerned about the use of this military equipment.

We oppose this resolution. We feel it is irresponsible for the US to make such a grant transfer unless Turkey first makes concrete steps to show good faith in withdrawing its troops from Cyprus and stops using its military to “bully” its neighbors.

CONTACT YOUR CONGRESSMAN and ask that they vote against this bill!

American-Hellenic Council


Τώρα ζωντανά! Web Radio από το Ελληνικό Φαινόμενο!



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