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Κυριακή, 12 Ιανουαρίου, 2025


odysseas1.jpghas been said that a plot to try and distract the global population from the fall of the value of the US Dollar, was executed in GREECE by US Banking interests and Wall Street, not to mention the infamous cartel of Goldman Sachs.

 I have been personally investing some 6 months on the Greek Economic situation, and I am VERY CONVINCED that there is enough evidence to support what William Engdahl is stating in an interview on the RUSSIA TODAY News Network.

It is very important to all Hellenes, especially those in ELLAS, to share this link with as many of our Hellenic Patriots as possible, so that they may work together with the facts that are not mentioned in the mainstream media networks (and we all know the reasons behind that).

The interview is very accurate in it’s content, as the Goldman Sachs emails released by the US Senate investigations regarding Goldman Sachs financial activities state.

Expect the US finacial sector to take a huge dive soon, not that I want such a thing to happen, but because the facts and actions of the US Financial Sector, the FED, and the U.S. Political establishment hasn’t done much to divert such an event from occuring.

The US Stimulus Money will soon run out, and the ALT-A’s and OPTION ARMS of the hidden US Real Estate Bubble are about to kick in.

Another very important piece of information is that all Hellenes should not accept the IMF Funding or Bailout package. Write to your Hellenic politicians by email or by personal letter, and if I was in Greece, I would write to EU Commission representatives as well.

You have all the TRUE DEMOCRACY in your hands….. Remember….


 Whatever you do, do it with peace, but do it with tolerance and intelligence within well informed knowledge possession.

There is a very good possibility that the EUROZONE will become the EURASIAN Zone once the present World Dominant Currency fades.

Please watch this Russian Television Interview and Share it with as many of our Hellenic Patriots as possible, both in ELLAS and Overseas;


Ioannis Koulouris,




Τώρα ζωντανά! Web Radio από το Ελληνικό Φαινόμενο!



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