Πέμπτη, 6 Μαρτίου, 2025
ΑρχικήΠολιτικάGrim Tidings From...

Grim Tidings From the Netherlands: Prince Bernhard’s Grandchildren Continue Bilderberg Legacy

 Micha Kat & Jurriaan Maessen

 “While you here do snoring lie, Open-eyed conspiracy His time doth take.” –William Shakespeare (The Tempest)

 In the following article, we set out to trace the steps of two brothers, both of whom are grandsons of Bilderberg-founder Bernhard, who have now been destined to carry along the torch of treason.

The objective: to dismantle the nation-state, strip the people of their self-determination and free will, and position themselves as sovereign rulers of the planet. Their common cause does not deviate from the age-old directive, but their means are custom-made to fit current times.

Children of the Dutch royal family are destined to carry along the torch of treason.

To those who feel that the quest for a worldwide grid, a prison-planet, is too great an effort to conceal from public scrutiny, we can say there’s hardly any concealment on the part of the elite. We can even say that the perpetrators are generally committing their acts in the full light of day, as they speak quite openly about their vision for the world. 

Those who have been instructed to conceal and “repackage” information to a ready-made format are our trusted media-empires. They can be perfectly trusted with the job of keeping the lid on vital information about the scientific dictatorship emerging in our everyday lives.

 For example, when the third born son to queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, prince Constantijn van Oranje, published a series of RAND-policy papers, calling for the “global governance of the internet”, none of this ever filtered down to the masses, who were instead being spoon-fed the scores of an arbitrary football-match or some low-grade soap star’s latest fling.

Constantijn van Oranje-Nassau

In 2009, the official website of the Dutch royal family published Constantijn’s résumé.

One of his functions, according to the royal family, was that of “programme associate of the Bilderberg conference.” Regrettably, since one of the authors (Maessen) published it on InfoWars.Com, the Bilderberg-reference was scrapped from the royal website before a screen-shot of it could be salvaged. The current web page does however mention his earlier commissions with key-institutions within the New World Order architecture.

As the royal families own website reports, from 2001 to 2003 prince Constantijn worked as a strategic policy consultant with Booz, Allen & Hamilton operating out of London, England. Booz Allen is a globally operating, self-proclaimed ‘private consulting firm’ right out of a John Grisham novel with all the dark intrigue that goes along with it.

Since its creation in the early 1900s, Booz, Allen & Hamilton has been intimately tied to the military-industrial complex including ‘long-standing relationships with federal intelligence agencies’- as a superficial glance on Wikipedia reveals. A March 8 2008 article in CorpWatch reported that the the firm ‘is a key advisor and prime contractor to all of the major U.S. intelligence agencies.(…) Among the many services Booz Allen provides to intelligence agencies, according to its website, are war-gaming- simulated drills in which military and intelligence officials test their response to potential threats like terrorist attacks.’

 A most interesting speciality of the firm is the development of electronic surveillance equipment and other spy-tools to be used against the people.

When the queen selected the ‘prestigious’ firm as an employer for her son, she must have known that you can’t get more New World Order than Booz, Allen & Hamilton. Or can you?

 In the summer of 2003 the prince began working for the Dutch ministry of Foreign Affairs as ‘advisor on European Communications’. In this function, Constantijn specialised in ‘communication strategies’ with the stated aim of getting the Dutch behind further ‘European cooperation’.

The prince obviously wasn’t very successful as the Dutch convincingly rejected the European Constitution in 2005. After the young prince checked out of the office of the Dutch European Commissioner he checked into a more comfortable office at RAND Europe’s Brussels division to further tinker on his ’strategies’.

 Here he co-wrote several technical reports on a range of subjects: from web 2.0, to RFID technology and other matters concerning ‘global governance’. In 2008 Constantijn was promoted to head the Brussels RAND office, expanding his influence even more. In Daniel Estulin’s 2005 bestseller “The Bilderberg Group” the author clarifies the ties between the RAND-corporation and the big globalist foundations:

 “The interlocking leadership between the trustees at RAND, and the Ford, Rockefeller, and Carnegie foundations”, writes Estulin, “is a classic case of Bilderberg modus operandi. The Ford foundation gave one million dollars to RAND in 1952, at a time when the president of the Ford Foundation was simultaneously the chairman of RAND.”

 It wasn’t long before Constantijn was promoted to the next level in the New World Order hierarchy. Earlier this year, the young prince was appointed senior advisor to the private office of European Commissioner for the Digital Agenda, Ms Neelie Kroes.

 Now it so happens that Ms. Kroes attends Bilderberg almost annually, where she keeps close quarters with the queen. No wonder that she chose of the queen’s offspring to become senior advisor at her office. Of all of the prime research areas the prince could envelop himself in, throughout his short career he specifically chose the subjects we identify with the worldwide surveillance grid and the New World Order: RFID tracking technology, a top-down controlled Internet and the promotion of more ‘cooperation’ worldwide through inflated transnational institutions.

 “Enlightened Leadership”

In 2009 Constantijn published his “discussion paper on critical issues” under the RAND-umbrella titled The Future of the Internet Economy. In it, he is quite uninhibited in his call for the emergence of an overall system of control to steer the course of events globally.

 “(…) the Internet as a global infrastructure needs a global governance structure”, Van Oranje writes.

 “International governance is necessary to deal with global issues and ensuring effective functioning of the Internet, following principles of good governance.”

 The deliberately vague addition of “good governance” is a smart way to circumvent explaining that only a tyrannical transnational system can guarantee “effective functioning of the Internet.” Furthermore, the prince advocates the ideal tool for future slavery: one common, global electronic denominator hooked into a hive-like supercomputer:

“Though a sectoral, geographic and multi-layered patchwork is likely, a scenario with a more unified system is not impossible either. There are significant benefits for citizens, governments and commercial operators to have a more standardised system that would support a large range of eGovernment services and functions. One system would eliminate the need for multiple cards, would increase the possibility for interconnecting systems”, and the list goes on.

The warnings of Aaron Russo immediately spring to mind, don’t they? As one of the determinants of such a common system through which all of human traffic should be channelled, the report mentions:

“The level of Pan-European ambition towards the use of a single eIdentity throughout Europe by 2015: Will policy makers of Commission (European Commission) and Member States agree on a system that is to support only simple identity; will Pan-European services be build/transformed in a way that they benefit directly from eID; or will there be a natural evolution towards one single European IDM, adequate for most national and Pan-European Government Services?”

 In another 2009 document titled Tends in connerctivity technologies and their socioeconomic impacts, the prince arrives at the logical conclusion of his train of thought: world government.

“ (…) both policy issues and effective responses must be defined at a global level; to influence the solution a global coordination and ‘enlightened leadership’ is required.” and “policy issues, not always solutions, will be defined at a global level. Those few countries or regional blocks like the EU where these technologies are already at an advanced stage may take a more or less enlightened lead role.”

These are just a few out of literally hundreds of examples where the global elite imagine themselves to be enlightened leaders, who because of their ‘royal blood’ are destined to steer the course of world events. Besides the fact that Constantijn has shown great interest in pursuing matters of tyranny, which no doubt helps to attain such a ‘prestigious’ position at Bilderberg, the young prince above all owes his current position to the blue blood running through his veins- which makes a comfortable seat around the camp fire of the New World Order an absolute guarantee.

 Johan Friso van Oranje-Nassau

From Constantijn, the queen’s third son, we move to Johan Friso, her second (1968) and least known of the three. As we shall see, the secrecy surrounding Friso has more than one reason. We can begin by stating that he is not even mentioned on the official website of the royal family, www.koninklijkhuis.nl; the reason is that the highly controversial woman he married in 2004 –Mabel Wisse Smit- who established ties with organized crime through her liaison in 1989 and 1990 with top drugs-trafficker Klaas Bruinsma, shot to his death in 1991 in front of the Amsterdam Hilton Hotel. Bruinsma, according to the Dutch Wikipedia, ‘can be considered as the founding father of Dutch drugs trafficking’.

When this –utterly secret- liaison was revealed in 2003 in what can be considered as one of the last heroic facts of Dutch journalism, the young prince had to beg the Dutch parliament for the green light, as controversial marriages of members of the royal family in the Netherlands are subject to parliamentary approval.

But prime minister Jan Peter Balkenende, known as the perfect ‘royal puppet’, refused to subject the marriage to parliamentary voting. He considered the risk of a humiliating ‘royal defeat’ too great to take. Instead, he let Friso draw up a letter to the effect that the prince chose not to let parliament vote, accepting all consequences that may result from his risky union.

 One of these was that he would have to abstain from the Dutch throne and would no longer –officially- be considered a member of the royal family with all the related benefits and entitlements. Later Friso and his wife apologized on Dutch national television for ‘not having given full disclosure about the relations of Mrs Wisse-Smit with Mr Bruinsma’ but that they had ‘nothing bad in mind’. Nice to meet you: prince Johan Friso, count of Oranje-Nassau, son of the queen of the Netherlands.

Ties with Drugs Trafficking

By introducing Wisse Smit in their (private) family fold, the Dutch royal family continued its long established ties with drugs trafficking which originated with king William I who in 1824 founded the Netherlands Trading Society, in essence a Bruinsma-like organization for trafficking and distributing opium throughout the colonies. The enormous family capital of the Orange family dates back to that illustrious era.

 In regards to the life Friso and Mabel lead these days with their two children, near to nothing is known. The only function that is openly published is (from 2004 onwards) his ‘part time directorship with TNO Space’, an organization with strong ties to the military-industrial complex and leading in the field of ‘earth observation’ through satellites. Friso obtained a master degree in Aviation and Space Technology at the university of Delft before continuing his studies in California.

His wife Mabel, just before beginning a relationship with the Dutch Al Capone, became (1997) director of the Brussels-based Open Society Institute, a play toy of billionaire-investor (and prominent Bilderberger) George Soros. Until recently she worked for this organization form its London office.

 Everything that is known about Mabel however points in just one direction: unbridled promiscuity. In the Netherlands it is said: either you slept with her or you know someone who did- a type of behavior that seems ill positioned to go together with what is known about Friso: he is a homosexual and has been frequently spotted as such, especially in Berkeley, California where he studied form 1986 to 1988.

 The main source for this is the late Willem Oltmans, a famous Dutch –homosexual- journalist who was demonized by the Dutch State for his ongoing revelations and later compensated for the destruction of his career with 8 million guilders. So this leads to one of the most tantalizing questions surrounding the Dutch royals: why does a homosexual prince marry the most promiscuous woman of the country who also has ties to the greatest criminal of the country whereby he looses his claim to the throne and is damned to a life of lies and secrecy about his private preferences?

Homosexuality and Pedophilia

Nothing is known about a courting-period; and Friso looked famously unhappy on his wedding-day, even to the point that on the web all stories about his homosexuality started popping up again. The only possible answer lies in the fact that the Dutch Royals also had ties to the criminal Bruinsma-group, and that Wisse Smit could blackmail her way into the family –and to fame and invulnerability- by threatening to expose these ties, knowledge of which she obtained through her relationship with the capo himself. Partly these ties were already in the open, to say the least.

In one of the most damning episodes of the criminal history of this family, it was revealed that the personal lawyer of Beatrix, Frits Salomonson, who also was a member of the Committee of Guardians of the crown prince, was the prime whitewasher of the Bruinsma drug-millions, transporting them from the criminal underworld to the ‘legal’ business communities through a criminal stock-exchange listed phantom-company that was only there for whitewashing drugs money.

So the ‘groundwork’ for possible further revelations about criminal activities of ‘the family’ was already there, giving Mabel Wisse Smit an easy ride. In an horrendous –and still widely debated- epilogue to this chapter of Dutch royal history, the politician that broke the news of the criminal role of her majesties counsel, Maarten van Traa, died in a car accident shortly after the revelations that is till this day shrouded in clouds and mysteries.

The name Frits Salomonson is not only tied to whitewashing of drugs money. The man was a well known homosexual and pedophile against whom is strong evidence of having raped, brutalized and even tortured young children. This same lawyer introduced the late husband of Beatrix, Claus, the father of Friso, into the New York gay scene as has been published by the MSM.

Claus’ homosexuality was a public secret but became a threat to public safety and the nation as such when it became obvious that the State was blackmailed as a result of Claus’ being seen and identified in the most dirty of homosexual and pedo-sexual localities. This problem was ‘solved’ by eliminating him from the public domain in 1982 as a result of a ‘grave psychiatric condition’. The man eventually ended high up on a mountain in Switzerland and has never regained any position of significance.

 The main source for this string of events is a very detailed article in German that was meant to be published by Der Spiegel but never made its way to the public. In many ways this sad story of Claus’ life is repeated in that of Friso: a homosexual being married to a woman, experimenting with sexual preferences in the USA because it is ‘far from home’, the (danger of) being blackmailed and- on an even more sinister note- evidence of pedophilia and other forms of child abuse. Of course, these kind of allegations and stories are mostly impossible to verify for obvious reasons.

But in the case of the Dutch royals there is much that can be established as fact concerning child-abuse and ritual, sometimes even sadistic maltreatment:

The great-grandfather from Friso’s mother’s side, a German prince named Hendrik, raped his own daughter, the mother of queen Beatrix, as a result of which a daughter was born. The father of Friso, Claus, was a homosexual who also used children for sexual pleasure. The lawyer of the Queen and main guardian of the crown prince, Friso’s brother, was a sadistic pedophile against whom even testimony of child executions exists.

 Is it against this factual background, outrageous or beyond imagination, that recently a witness has come forward claiming –from first hand- that Friso was present at a satanic execution of a young woman in the province of Friesland in the night after queens day in 1999? This murder case –Marianne Vaatstra- is still the most high profile so-called ‘cold case’ in Dutch criminal history and it is established fact that the police is still doing everything to prevent the truth from surfacing, like smuggling the prime suspects out of the country just days after the murder took place.

Confessions of a Royal Hitman

Johan Friso is the grandson of Bilderberg-founder Bernhard and the son of queen Beatrix who, according to knowledgeable sources, holds the third position in the current Bilderberg hierarchy. Sources say Beatrix once took Friso with her to a Bilderberg meeting. This seems all the more factual as we take into consideration the strong –and up to now still largely unpublished- ties between Friso and prominent Bilderberger James Wolfensohn, former president of the World Bank, a prime Bilderberg-tool in establishing the NWO.

Since 2006 Friso acts as managing director for Wolfensohn & Company in the London office of the firm. What exactly is this firm concocting in the ‘emerging market economies’? It advises and consults on behalf of ‘governments’ and ‘large corporations’ doing business there, according to the company’s website. A more accurate impression can no doubt be gained by reading John Perkin’s famous whistle-blower treatise Confessions of an Economic Hitman.

In short: with organizations like these it’s all about bringing weak countries into the NWO power-structure by ‘advising’ them to take on large loans –from the World Bank, the IMF, Goldman Sachs- that they can never pay back. The loaner then can lay hands on natural resources of the debtor, other valuable assets like harbors and airports and even exert political backing for NWO-related proposals in organizations like the UN and WTO.

This is the game Perkins describes and Wolfensohn excels in, with the help of the Dutch prince Johan Friso of Oranje Nassau. Interestingly enough, this type of work of Friso as a ‘royal hitman’ is of exactly the same category as what his wife Mabel is doing as a party-girl for George Soros and for an organization named The Elders of which she is (since 2008) director, an ‘independent group of eminent global leaders’ brought together by Nelson Mandela with names such as Jimmy Carter, Kofi Annan and Desmond Tutu; this group ‘takes initiatives’ on behalf of countries like Sudan, Myanmar and Zimbabwe.

 Big Bilderberg Brother is Watching

You We already mentioned Friso’s ties to the military-industrial complex through his activities for TNO Space that specializes in developing techniques for controlling the population from outer space. What can now also be revealed is that Friso in 2005 and 2006 has been a partner with venture capital investment firm Logispring in Geneva, Switzerland.

This firm, led by a Dutchman named Frans van Schaik, is active on the same big brother-chessboard and invests in companies like Xterprise (Texas, USA) specializing in NWO dream-tools like RFID, or Radio Frequency Identification, a technique we already stumbled upon in the previous section on Constantijn. These activities of Friso have never been published by Dutch media outlets and have only become known through the website of Wolfensohn & Company short business biography of Friso. (click: “Investment team” and then “Friso van Oranje” through link provided).

 The same applies to Friso’s co-foundership of MRI Centre that excels in body scanning-techniques for the medical sector. The same Wolfensohn website also sheds some light on what Friso was doing with Goldman Sachs in London where he was executive director from 1998 to 2003. Friso was into investment banking in the sectors media and technology and was also assigned to Goldman Sachs Capital Partners, the private equity arm of Goldman Sachs.

This banking conglomerate is these days considered as a criminal organization pur sang and countries like Spain, Greece and Germany have stopped doing business with Goldman’s suicide bankers, as they’ve been called by journalist Max Keiser. Currently GS is investing through its Capital Partners VI-fund (more than 20 billion dollars).

No doubt Friso was hired by GS to look for high potential possibilities in the field of big brother-technologies for optimizing the NWO control grid of the world population through micro-chipping, radio-tracking, body-scanning and satellite-spying.

William-Alexander of Orange

 Concluding, a word about the oldest brother: William-Alexander, heir to the throne, who accompanies his mother to the annual Bilderberg-meetings.He is certainly no stranger to the long-term ambitions of his family, but- as heir to the throne- keeps his actions much more in the dark than his two brothers.

 As he is subject to a high degree of scrutiny, this prince passes his time with ‘global water-management’ for the UN. And even in this apparently innocent day job, the prince can hardly refrain from pushing global governance. It’s in his blood, you might say. In a document prepared by the prince for the Johannesburg Summit, he states:

 “The most important area of global governance with a substantial potential impact on the water sector is the system of international trade.”

 Lamenting that: “The effort to develop a much-needed institutional framework for international water governance has met with resistance and been relatively unsuccessful”, the prince recommends to “Have the World Trade Organization develop and consider virtual water balances, using a resource accounting framework, when assessing and negotiating agriculture subsidies and trade in agricultural products.”

Here they go again, have the WTO strangle nation-states into submission by lending and retracting agricultural funding.

“In the international arena”, says the prince, “water has shown to be a good catalyst for cooperation between nations.”

At a 2004 meeting of the International Institute for Sustainable Development held at United Nations headquarters in New York, the prince of Orange sat side by side with Bilderberger and Executive Director of UNEP Klaus Töpfer, discussing the “overall review of implementation of Agenda 21.” This, by the way, is the same Töpfer that admitted to an “international consensus on worldwide population control” back in 2000.

 In Conclusion

Slowly but surely a picture is emerging from the plethora of facts. Both prince’s former and current employers are without exception notorious and regular Bilderbergers: No doubt a big Bilderberg future lies ahead for both princes, sons of the current Bilderberg number three and grandsons of its founder.

Although the New World Order’s quest for total control of the world’s natural (and human) resources is one that spans many decades and even centuries, the latest generation is as fervent to accomplish the destruction of nation-states as their forefathers ever were. History points out to us that decisive developments and events are not simply the children of coincidence, they are brought about at the hands of ruling elites throughout the ages.

 Micha Kat is an investigative journalist and the foremost Bilderberg-hunter in the Netherlands.

 His website is www.klokkenluideronline.nl.

Jurriaan Maessen is a writer and freelance investigative journalist.



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