Dear Friend
I am sure there are many Christmas parties on your schedule, but one you should not miss is the Greek Division Ronald McDonald House Christmas Party December 10, 2012.
Greek Americans were among the first to step forward and fund the New York City Ronald McDonald House many years ago. Since then, the House has served thousands of sick children and their families in a facility in a neighborhood near the best doctors in the world.
I hope you will join me for the annual Greek-American Ronald McDonald House Christmas Party.
I have reserved a number of tables in front and if you’ll let me know, we can all sit together.
Hope to see then.
John Catsimatidis
Greek-American Division
Ronald McDonald House
Annual Christmas Party
December 10, 2012
New York Athletic Club
180 Central Park South
6:00 PM Cocktails
7:00PM Dinner
$5,000 includes table of 10 guests
$2,500 includes table of 10 guests
$1,000 includes table of 10 guests
Journal accompany table purchases
Individual tickets $150 each
Make checks or credit cards to:
Ronald McDonald House
Or use the donation link below to purchase your ticket