Nik – δεν ξέρω ποιος θα κερδίσει τη Γερουσία σε εννέα ημέρες,αλλά ξέρω ότι……
But here’s what I do know:
A dozen Senate races could go either way — what you do now could be the difference.
Republicans must win just six Democratic seats to take over the Senate.
The DSCC’s Get Out The Vote operation is our final line of defense against Republicans winning.
This massive grassroots effort can save the Democratic Senate if it is fully funded. But I’ll just be honest: If we fall short before midnight, we could lose the Senate.
For the next nine days, our folks on the ground will spend every waking hour knocking on doors, making phone calls, and getting voters to the polls.
But that means I need every single one of you to step up right this second. Because as I know from my own campaign: strong grassroots campaigns cost money, and it’s not easy to go toe-to-toe with the Republican billionaires. That’s why I’m making this absolutely urgent request.
Will you pitch in immediately to win the Senate for Democrats?
Thank you,
Barack Obama