Φιλανθρωπική συναυλία NYC: Έλληνες καλλιτέχνες μουσικής δίνουν ελπίδα στα παιδιά του στην Ελλάδα
New York, Saturday, November 17th, 2012
Greek tenor and international recording artist Mario Frangoulis teams up with his long time friend and mega stage talent Alkistis Protopsalti and up-and-coming Greek-French singer George Perris for a one-time charity event – a new initiative of ALMA Bank – to raise funds for children in need in Greece.
Let’s bring some hope!
The concert will be held at the New York Presbyterian Church, which is located at 43-01 37th Avenue, Long Island City, NY. For additional ticket information and purchase locations visit www.almabankconcert.com and join the discussion at #voicesofgreece and on Facebook.